- 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS’14), 26-29 August 2014. CTTC co-organized this conference together with the external committee. The CTTC organizing committee participated as a General Chair and co-Chair.
- 20th Europen Wireless (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014. CTTC co-organized this conference together with the external committee. The CTTC organizing committee participated as a General Chair and co-Chair.
- European Calibration and Orientation Workshop (EuroCOW), 12-14 February 2014. CTTC organized this conference. The CTTC organizing committee parcipated as a General Chair.
- International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 1-3 Desembre 2014. CTTC co-organized this conference together with the external committee. The CTTC organizing committee participated as a General Chair.
- 6th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2014) , 5-6 November 2014. CTTC co-organized this conference together with the external committee. The CTTC organizing committee participated as a Technical Program Chair.
- IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA), 8-9 September 2014. CTTC co-organized this conference together with the external committee. The CTTC organizing committee participated as a Technical Program Chair.
- XVI Jornadas de la Defensa y la Segridad. Reinventando el sector (FUNDACIÓN CÍRCULO DE TECNOLOGÍAS PARA LA DEFENSA Y LA SEGURIDAD), 5-6 November 2014. The director of IPR and Corporate Development participated as speaker during the second session: Modelos de Financiación.