Int’l & National Conferences
- J. Matamoros, S. Fosson, E. Magli, C. Antón-Haro, Distributed ADMM for in-network reconstruction of sparse signals with innovations, in Proceedings of IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 3-5 December 2014, Atlanta (US).
- J. Gómez-Vilardebó, Competitive design of power allocation strategies for energy harvesting wireless communication systems, in Proceedings of IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 3-5 December 2014, Atlanta (US).
- F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate, S. Wu, Y. Chen, K. K. Chai, Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Frame Slotted-ALOHA in Wireless Machine-to-Machine Networks with Energy Harvesting, in Proceedings of Global Communications Conference, Exhibition & Industry Forum (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin,TX (USA).
- R. Palacios, E. Moatez Billah Larbaa, J. Alonso-Zarate, F. Granelli, Performance Analysis of Energy-Efficient MAC Protocols using Bidirectional Transmissions and Sleep Periods in IEEE 802.11-based WLANs, in Proceedings of Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, Texas (USA).
- R. Palacios, H. Kassaye Haile, J. Alonso-Zarate, F. Granelli, Analysis of Coding-aware MAC Protocols based on Reverse Direction Protocol for IEEE 802.11-based Wireless Networks using Network Coding*, in Proceedings of Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, Texas (USA).
- A. Bousia, E. Kartsakli, A. Antonopoulos, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Sharing the Small Cells for Energy Efficient Networking: How much does it cost?, in Proceedings of Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, Texas (USA).
- A. Mesodiakaki, F. Adelantado, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Joint Uplink and Downlink Cell Selection in Cognitive Small Cell Heterogeneous Networks , in Proceedings of Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, Texas (USA).
- A. Lalos, E. Kartsakli, A. Antonopoulos, S. Tennina, M. Di Renzo, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Cooperative Compressed Sensing schemes for Telemonitoring of Vital Signals in WBANs, in Proceedings of Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, Texas (USA).
- M. El Absi, M. Shaat, C. Bader, T. Kaiser, Interference Alignment with Frequency-Clustering for Efficient Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks, in Proceedings of Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, Texas (USA).
- V. Miliotis, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Offloading With IFOM: The Uplink Case, in Proceedings of Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, TX (USA).
- V. Miliotis, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Energy Efficient Proportionally Fair Uplink Offloading for IP Flow Mobility, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2014), 1-3 December 2014, Athens (Greece).
- A. Mesodiakaki, F. Adelantado, A. Antonopoulos, E. Kartsakli, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Energy Impact of Outdoor Small Cell Backhaul in Green Heterogeneous Networks, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2014), 1-3 December 2014, Athens (Greece).
- S. Tennina, E. Kartsakli, F. Grasiozi, M. Santos, A. Lalos, A. Antonopoulos, P.V. Mekikis, M. Di Renzo, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, An Energy Efficient Protocol Architecture for m-Health Systems, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2014), 1-3 December 2014, Athens (Greece).
- M. Di Renzo, A. I. Pérez-Neira, C. Verikoukis, Is Analog Network Coding More Energy Efficient than TDMA?, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD), 1-3 December 2014, Athens (Greece).
- B. G. M. de Oliveira, M. T. de Melo, I. Llamas-Garro, M.Espinosa, M. R. T de Oliveira, E.M.F de Oliveira, Integrated Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Subsystem Based on Multi-Band-Stop Filters, in Proceedings of Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2014), 4-7 November 2014, Sendai (Japan).
- A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, K.Niotaki, Optimal Signal Selection and Rectenna Design Challenges for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer, in Proceedings of 2014 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2014), 4-7 November 2014, Sendai (Japan).
- A. Boaventura, N.B.Carvalho, A. Georgiadis, The Impact of Multi-sine Tone Separation on RF-DC Efficiency, in Proceedings of 2014 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2014), 4-7 November 2014, Sendai (Japan).
- J. Rossello, F. Mira, A. Collado, A. Georgiadis, Substrate integrated waveguide aperture coupled patch antenna array for 24 GHz wireless backhaul and radar applications, in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), 16-19 November 2014, Antibes (France).
- F. Fabra, C. Calvin, A. Rius, J. Arribas, C. Fernández-Prades, Processing Aspects of the Software PARIS Interferometric Receiver, in Proceedings of the Advanced RF Sensors and Remote Sensing Instruments (ARSI’14), 4-7 November 2014, Noordwijk (The Netherlands).
- J. M. Castro, J. Vilà-Valls, P. Closas, J. A. Fernández-Rubio, Simultaneous Tracking and RSS Model Calibration by Robust Filtering, in Proceedings of 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2-5 November 2014, Pacific Grove, CA (USA).
- S. Pfletschinger, M. Navarro, C. Ibars, Multilevel Coding for Non-Orthogonal Broadcast , in Proceedings of 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2-5 November 2014, Pacific Grove, CA (USA).
- T. Predojev, A. Al-Hezmi, J. Alonso-Zarate, M. Dohler, A Real-Time Middleware Platform for the Smart Grid, in Proceedings of the IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications 2014, 12-14 November 2014.
- M. Espinosa, I. Llamas-Garro, B. G. M. de Oliveira, M. T. de Melo, J. Kim, A Comparison Between Fixed and Reconfigurable Frequency Measurement Circuits, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC), 30-31 October 2014, Jeonju (Korea).
- M. Espinosa-Espinosa, B. G. M. de Oliveira, I. Llamas-Garro, M. T. de Melo, J. M. Kim, 4-bit, 1 to 4 GHz Reconfigurable Discriminator for Frequency Measurement, In Proceedings of 44th European Microwave Conference (EuMW 2014), 5-10 October 2014, Rome (Italy).
- M. Bozzi, F. Mira, A. Georgiadis, A novel multilayered SIW filter with two mono-modal cavities and three poles , In Proceedings of 44th European Microwave Conference (EuMW 2014), 5-10 October 2014, Rome (Italy).
- A.Traille, S.Kim, A.Coustou, H.Aubert, M.Tentzeris, J.Kimionis, A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, Novel Inkjet Printed Modules for Sensing, Radar, and Energy Harvesting Applications, in Proceedings of European Microwave Conference (EUMC 2014), 5-10 October 2014, Rome (Italy).
- J.Kimionis, A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, M.Tentzeris, Inkjet-Printed Reflection Amplifier for Increased Range Backscatter Radio, in Proceedings of European Microwave Conference (EUMC 2014), 5-10 October 2014, Rome (Italy).
- C.Kalialakis, A. Collado, A. Georgiadis, Circularly Polarized Quadrifilar Antenna Array Using a Sequentially Rotated Feeding Network, in Proceedings of European Microwave Conference (EUMC 2014), 5-10 October 2014, Rome (Italy).
- M. Crosetto, N. Devanthéry, M. Cuevas, O. Monserrat, D. Petracca, B. Crippa, Systematic exploitation of the persistent scatterer interferometry potential , in Proceedings of SARWatch Workshop: Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry, 15-17 October 2014, Troia (Portugal).
- K. Ichi Kitayama, R. Muñoz, STRAUSS Year1 Project Results, in Proceedings of 5th EU-Japan Symposium in ICT Research and Innovation, 16-17 October 2014 (Brussels).
- M. Crosetto, N. Devanthéry, M. Cuevas, O. Monserrat, D. Petracca, B. Crippa, Exploitation of the full potential of persistent scatterer interferometry data , in Proceedings of the ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 29-2 October 2014, Istanbul (Turkey).
- A. Dochhan, H. Grießer, L. Nadal, M. Eiselt, M. Svaluto Moreolo, J. Elbers, Discrete Multitone Transmission in the Presence of Optical Noise, Chromatic Dispersion and Narrow-band Optical Filtering, in Proceedings of the 11th ITG Conference Speech Communication, 24-26 September 2014, Erlangen (Germany).
- M. R. T. de Oliveira, L. S. A. Costa, M. T. de Melo, I. Llamas-Garro, Micromachined Impedance Transformer, in Proceedings of 16th Simpósio de Micro-ondas e Optoeletrônica – 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Eletromagnetismo (MOMAG Curitiba 2014), 31-3 September 2014, (Brasil).
- J. Moysen, L. Giupponi, A Reinforcement Learning based solution for Self-Healing in LTE networks, in Proceedings of the IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall), 14-17 September 2014, Vancouver (Canada).
- R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, R. Martínez, R. Vilalta, L. Liu, T. Tsuritani, I. Morita, Interworking of GMPLS and OpenFlow Domains: Overarching Control of Flexi Grid Optical Networks, in Proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2014), 21-25 September 2014, Cannes (France).
- A. Mayoral, R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, F. J. Vilchez, Integrated IT and Network Orchestration Using OpenStack, OpenDaylight and Active Stateful PCE for Intra and Inter Data Center Connectivity, in Proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2014), 21-25 September 2014, Cannes (France).
- R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, V. López, D. López, Transport PCE Network Function Virtualization, in Proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2014), 21-25 September 2014, Cannes (France).
- R. Muñoz, R. Vilalta, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, F. Francois, M. Channegowda, S. Peng, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou, N. Yoshikane, T. Tsuritani, V. López, A. Autenrieth, Experimental Assessment of ABNO-based Network Orchestration of end-to-end Multi-layer (OPS/OCS) Provisioning across SDN/OpenFlow and GMPLS/PCE Control Domains, in Proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2014), 21-25 September 2014, Cannes (France).
- R. Martínez, L. Gifre, R. Casellas, L. Velasco, R. Muñoz, R. Vilalta, Experimental Validation of Active Frontend – Backend Stateful PCE Operations in Flexgrid Optical Network Re-optimization, in Proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2014), 21-25 September 2014, Cannes (France).
- M. Svaluto Moreolo, J. M. Fabrega, F. J. Vilchez, K. Christodoulopoulos, E. Varvarigos, V. López, J. P. Fernández-Palacios, Assessment of Flexgrid Technologies in the MAN for Centralized BRAS Architecture Using S-BVT, in Proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2014), 21-25 September 2014, Cannes (France).
- L. Liu, W. Ren Peng, R. Casellas, T. Tsuritani, I. Morita, R. Martínez, R. Muñoz, S. J. Ben Yoo, Experimental Demonstration of OpenFlow-based Dynamic Restoration in Elastic Optical Networks on GENI Testbed, , in Proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2014), 21-25 September 2014, Cannes (France).
- N. Devanthéry, M. Crosetto, O. Monserrat, M. Cuevas, B. Crippa, The PSIG chain: an approach to Persistent Scatterer Interferometry , in Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 22-25 September 2014, Amsterdam.
- S. Pfletschinger, M. Navarro, Broadcasting of multiple data streams in overlapping beams and suitable decoding methods , in Proceedings of 13th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (ASMS/SPSC), 8-10 September 2014, Livorno (Italy).
- J. Arribas, M. Branzanti, C. Fernández-Prades, P. Closas, Fastening GPS and Galileo Tight with a Software Receiver, in Proceedings of the ION GNSS+, 08-12 September 2014, Tampa, Florida (USA).
- A. Fernández, M. Wis, I. Colomina, E. Angelats, M. E. Parés, Real-time Navigation and Mapping with Mobile Mapping Systems using LiDAR/Camera/INS/GNSS Advanced Hybridization Algorithms: Description and Test Results, in Proceedings of the ION GNSS+, 08-12 September 2014, Tampa, Florida (USA).
- E. Angelats, P. Molina, M. E. Parés, I. Colomina, A parallax-based robust image matching for improving multisensor navigation in GNSS-denied environments, in Proceedings of the ION GNSS+, 08-12 September 2014, Tampa, Florida (USA).
- M. Virili, A. Georgiadis, K.Niotaki, A. Collado, F. Alimenti, P. Mezzanotte, L. Roselli, N. B. Carvalho, Design and Optimization of an Antenna with Thermo-Electric Generator (TEG) for Autonomous Wireless Nodes, in Proceedings of 2014 IEEE RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA) , 8-9 September 2014, Tampere (Finland).
- S. Rima, A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, R. Gonçalves, N.B. Carvalho, Passive UHF RFID Enabled Temperature Sensor Tag on Cork Substrate, in Proceedings of 2014 IEEE RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA) , 8-9 September 2014, Tampere (Finland).
- A. Jendeya, M. Shaat, A. Hubrouss, F. Bader, Joint Allocation in Multicarrier Based Cognitive Networks with Two-Way Relaying , in Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Cognitive Cellular Systems (CCS), 2-4 September 2014, Rhine River (Germany).
- C. Collado, E. Rocas, J. Verdú, J. Mateu, A. Hueltes, R. Aigner, A lateral modes model for BAW resonators , in Proceedings of IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings (IUS 2014), 3-6 September 2014, Chicago, Illinois (USA).
- M. Á. Vázquez, A. I. Pérez-Neira, M. Á. Lagunas, Linear precoding in multibeam satellite under licensed shared access, in Proceedings of Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the 13th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (ASMS/SPSC), 8-10 September 2014, Livorno (Italy).
- J. Moysen, L. Giupponi, A Reinforcement Learning based solution for Self-Healing in LTE networks , in Proceedings of IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 14-17 September 2014, Vancouver (Canada).
- M. Crosetto, O. Monserrat, G. Luzi, M. Cuevas, N. Devanthéry, Deformation Monitoring Using Ground-Based SAR Data , in Proceedings of IAEG XII Congress, 15-19 September 2014, Toronto (Italy).
- A. Gusi, P. Closas, A. Mallat, L. Vandendorpe, Cramér-Rao Bound Analysis of UWB based Localization Approaches , in Proceedings of International Conference on Ultra-WideBand (ICUWB), 1-3 September 2014, Paris (France).
- E. Lagunas, M. Navarro, P. Closas, M. Najar, Spatial Sparsity Based Direct Positioning for IR-UWB in IEEE 802.15.4a Channels , in Proceedings of International Conference on Ultra-WideBand (ICUWB), 1-3 September 2014, Paris (France).
- P. Dini, M. Miozzo, N. Baldo, Sustainable Energy in ICT Industry: Supplying Mobile Networks with RES, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics (ECM2), 19-21 August 2014, Scotland (UK).
- S. Pfletschinger, D. Wübben, G. Bacci, Physical-Layer Network Coding with Non-Binary Channel Codes, in Proceedings of URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 16-23 August 2014, Beijing (China).
- M. Caus, A. I. Pérez-Neira, M. Moretti, A.Kliks, A margin adaptive scheduling algorithm for FBMC/OQAM systems, in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2014), 26-29 August 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- M. El Absi, M. Shaat, F. Bader, T. Kaiser, Power Loading and Spectral Efficiency Comparison of MIMO OFDM/FBMC for Interference Alignment Based Cognitive Radio Systems, in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2014), 26-29 August 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- L. Blanco, M. Nájar, Subset relay selection in wireless cooperative networks using sparsity-inducing norms , in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2014), 26-29 August 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- A. Georgiadis, Energy harvesting for Autonomous Wireless Sensors and RFID’s, in Proceedings of 2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS),16-23 August 2014, Beijing (China).
- A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, K.Niotaki, Dual-band electromagnetic energy harvester with resistance compression network, in Proceedings of 2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), 16-23 August 2014, Beijing (China).
- A. Traille, A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, Y.Kawahara, H.Aubert, M.Tentzeris, Inkjet-printed “Zero Power” Wireless Sensor and Power Management Nodes for IoT and “Smart Skin” Applications, in Proceedings of 2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS),16-23 August 2014, Beijing (China).
- A. Dochhan, H. Grießer, L. Nadal, M. Eiselt, M. Svaluto Moreolo, J. Elbers, Discrete Multitone Transmission for Next Generation 400G Data Center Inter-Connections , in Proceedings of the OptoElectronics and Communication Conference and Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology 2014 (OECC/ACOFT), 6-10 July 2014, Melbourne (Australia).
- C. Gentile, G. Luzi, Ambient vibration testing of the Amposta cable-suspended bridge by microwave remote sensing, in Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2014), 30-2 July 2014, Porto (Portugal).
- R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, Performance Evaluation of Novel Resource Allocation Algorithms for Virtual Elastic Optical Networks, in Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2014), 6-10 July 2014, Graz (Austria).
- A. Mayoral, R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, Experimental validation of automatic lightpath establishment integrating OpenDaylight SDN controller and Active Stateful PCE within the ADRENALINE Testbed, in Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2014), 6-10 July 2014, Graz (Austria).
- A. Montuori, S.Stramondo, G.Casula, C.Bignami, E.Bonali, M.G.Bianchi, G. Luzi, M. Crosetto, Combined use of ground-based systems for cultural heritage conservation monitoring , in Proceedings of Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 13-18 July 2014, Québec (Canada).
- J. Vilà-Valls, Q. Wei, P. Closas, C. Fernández-Prades, Robust Gaussian Sum Filtering with Unknown Noise Statistics: Application to Target Tracking, in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), 29-2 July 2014, Gold Coast (Australia).
- M. Caus, A. I. Pérez-Neira, M. Á. Lagunas, Low-complexity soft-output MIMO detection in FBMC/OQAM systems, in Proceedings of International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), 17-21 July 2014, Santorini Island (Greece).
- C. Gentile, G. Luzi, M. Crosetto, Dynamic Measurements on the Amposta Suspension Bridge by Microwave Remote Sensing , in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Structural Control and Monitoring (6WCSCM), 4-17 July 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- M. Crosetto, N. Devanthéry, O. Monserrat, M. Cuevas, B. Crippa, The PSIG approach to Persistent Scatterer Interferometry , in Proceeding of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2014), 13-18 July 2014, Quebec (Canada).
- J. M. Fabrega, M. Svaluto Moreolo, F. Jiménez, M. Chochol, G. Junyent, Constant Envelope Coherent Optical OFDM Transceiver for Elastic Upgrade of Transport Network, in Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2014), 6-10 July 2014, Graz (Austria).
- M. Maier, C. Verikoukis, Inside Smart FiWi-HetNets and the Explosion of Mobile Data Traffic, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2014), 6-10 July 2014.
- M. Svaluto Moreolo, J. M. Fabrega, L. Nadal, F. J. Vilchez, Optical Transceiver Technologies for Inter-Data Center Connectivity, in Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2014), 6-10 July 2014, Graz (Austria).
- M. Maier, C. Verikoukis, When Small Cell Networks Meet FiWi or Like Deserts Miss the Rain, In Proceedings of the IEEE European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC 2014), 4-6 June 2014, Milan (Italy).
- A. Imran, L. Giupponi, M. A. Imran, A. Abu-Dayya, Joint Coverage and Backhaul Self.optimization in Emerging Relay enhanced heterogeneous Networks, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- K. Ntontin, M. Di Renzo, A. I. Pérez-Neira, C. Verikoukis, Error Rate Analysis and Optimal Power Allocation in Multiple Access Relay Channels with Analog Network Coding, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- G. Tseliou, F. Adelantado, C. Verikoukis, Resources Negotiation for Network Virtualization in LTE-A Networks, in Proceedings of the International Conference of Communication (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- G. Luzi, A. Montuori, C. Bignami, M. Crosetto, S. Stramondo, Radar interferometry for Cultural Heritage monitoring , in Proceedings of11th International Conference on Non-Destructive Investigations and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of Cultural and Environmental Heritage (ART-2014), 11-13 June 2014, Madrid (Spain).
- R. Goncalves, S. Rima, R. Magueta, A. Collado, P. Pinho, A. Georgiadis, N.B. Carvalho, RFID tags on cork stoppers for bottle identification, in Proceedings of IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2014), 1-6 June 2014, Tampa Bay, Florida, (US).
- S. Pfletschinger, Joint decoding of multiple non-binary codewords, in Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2014 Workshop on Massive Uncoordinated Access Protocols (MASSAP 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- G. Cocco, S. Pfletschinger, Seek and decode: Random multiple access with multiuser detection and physical-layer network coding, in Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2014 Workshop on Massive Uncoordinated Access Protocols (MASSAP 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- M. Renfors, D. Le Ruyet, D. Tsolkas, O. Font-Bach, N. Bartzoudis, P. Mege, L. Baltar, V. Ringset, X. Mestre, EMPhAtiC Intermediate Results and Standardization Strategy, in Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2014), 23-26 June 2014, Bologna (Italy).
- M. Svaluto Moreolo, J. M. Fabrega, S.Yan, B. R. Rofoee, Y. Yan, E. Hugues-Salas, Y. Shu, G. Zervas, D. Simeonidou, K. Kitayama, M. Nishihara, T. Tanaka, T. Takahara, J. C. Rasmussen, L. Fernandez del Rosal, M. Schlosser, A. Macho Ortiz, V. López, J. P. Fernández-Palacios, Flexible Optical Infrastructure for Ethernet Transport: Solutions and Enabling Technologies in the ICT STRAUSS Project, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 23-26 June 2014, Bologna (Italy).
- L. Blanco, M. Nájar, Multiple relay selection in underlay cognitive networks with per-relay powe , in Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2014), 23-26 June 2014, Bologna (Italy).
- S. Pfletschinger, c.vitiello, M. Navarro, Decoding Options for the Symmetric and Asymmetric Turbo-Coded Two-Way Relay Channel, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 23-26 June 2014, Bologna (Italy).
- A. Stavdas, C. Matrakidis, T. Orphanoudakis, A. Manzalini, R. Martínez, Architectures and Technologies for Data-Center Interconnection, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 23-26 June 2014, Bologna (Italy).
- R. Muñoz, R. Vilalta, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, L. M. Contreras, V. López, J.P. Fernández-Palacios, O. González de Dios, S. Peng, M. Channegowda, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou, X. Cao, N. Yoshikane, T. Tsuritani, A. Autenrieth, M. Schlosser, Network Virtualization, Control Plane and Service Orchestration of the ICT STRAUSS Project, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 23-26 June 2014, Bologna (Italy).
- R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, R. Martínez, R. Vilalta, F. Cugini, F. Paolucci, O. González, V. López, J.P. Fernández-Palacios, R. Morro, A. Di Giglio, D. King, A. Farrel, IDEALIST Control Plane Architecture for Multi-domain Flexi-Grid Optical Networks, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 23-26 June 2014, Bologna (Italy).
- D. Gregoratti, X. Mestre, AF Relaying for FBMC Signals, in Proceedings of European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 23-26 June 2014, Bologna (Italy).
- O. Font-Bach, N. Bartzoudis, M. Payaro, A. Pascual-Iserte, Measuring the performance of a distributed interference management scheme in a LTE-based HetNet deployment, in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), 22-25 June 2014, La Coruña (Spain).
- N. Bartzoudis, O. Font-Bach, M. Payaro, A. Pascual-Iserte, J. Rubio, J. J. García Fernández, A. García Armada, Energy Profiling of FPGA-based PHY-layer Building Blocks Encountered in Modern Wireless Communication Systems, in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), 22-25 June 2014, La Coruña (Spain).
- P. Vallet, X. Mestre, P. Loubaton, R. Couillet, Asymptotic analysis of Beamspace-MUSIC in the context of large arrays , in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), 22-25 June 2014, La Coruña (Spain.
- J. Arribas, P. Closas, C. Fernández-Prades, Interference Mitigation in GNSS Receivers by Array Signal Processing: A Software Radio Approach, in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2014), 22-25 June 2014, A Coruña (Spain).
- X. Artiga, J. Perruisseau-Carrier, A. I. Pérez-Neira, Antenna array configurations for massive MIMO outdoor base stations , in Proceedings of IEEE 8th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2014), 22-25 June 2014, A Coruña (Spain).
- O. Tan, D. Gunduz, J. Gómez-Vilardebó, Delay Constrained Linear Transmission of Random State Measurements, in Proceedings of 8th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2014), 22-25 June 2014, A Coruña (Spain).
- P. Molina, E. Angelats, I. Colomina, J. Montaño, A. Latorre, PERIGEO: Image Processing Techniques Development & Testing for Multimodal Absolute & Relative Navigation, in Proceedings of 9th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems (GNC 2014), 2-6 June 2014, Oporto (Portugal).
- C. Gentile, G. Luzi, Radar-based dynamic testing of the cable-suspended bridge crossing the Ebro river at Amposta, Spain, in Proceedings of 11th International conference on vibration measurements by laser and noncontact techniques (AIVELA2014), 24-26 June 2014, Ancona (Italy).
- G. Luzi, M. Crosetto, O. Monserrat, Monitoring a tall tower through radar interferometry: the case of the Collserola tower in Barcelona , in Proceedings of 11th International conference on vibration measurements by laser and noncontact techniques (AIVELA2014), 24-26 June 2014, Ancona (Italy).
- R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, The role of PCE in
Optical Network Virtualization, in Proceedings of PACE Workshop on New Uses of Path Computation Elements with the 5th International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT 2014), 16 June 2014 Vilanova i la Geltrù (Spain). - R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, The STRAUSS Project and its relationship with PCE, in Proceedings of PACE Workshop on New Uses of Path Computation Elements with the 5th International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT 2014), 16 June 2014 Vilanova i la Geltrù (Spain).
- S. Pfletschinger, M. Navarro, G. Cocco, Interference Cancellation and Joint Decoding for Collision Resolution in Slotted ALOHA, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod 2014), 27-28 June 2014, Aalborg (Denmark).
- P. Closas, J. A. Fernández-Rubio, Cramér-Rao lower bound for breakpoint distance estimation in a path-loss model, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- M. Gregori, M. Payaro, Multiuser communications with energy harvesting transmitters, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- K. M. Saidul Huq, S. Mumtaz, J. Rodriguez, C. Verikoukis, Investigation on Energy Efficiency in HetNet CoMP Architecture, in Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- D. Xenakis, N. Passas, L. Merakos, C. Verikoukis, RCHON: An ANDSF-Assisted Energy-Efficient Vertical Handover Decision Algorithm for the Heterogeneous IEEE 802.11/LTE-Advanced Network , in Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- A. Mesodiakaki, F. Adelantado, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Energy-efficient Context-aware User Association for Outdoor Small Cell Heterogeneous Networks, in Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate, P. Tuset-Peiró, L. Alonso, Energy Analysis of a Contention Tree-based Access Protocol for Machine-to-Machine Networks with Idle-to-Saturation Traffic Transitions, in Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- P.-V. Mekikis, E. Kartsakli, A. Antonopoulos, A. Lalos, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Two-tier Cellular Random Network Planning for Minimum Deployment Cost, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- E. Ibarra, A. Antonopoulos, E. Kartsakli, J. Rodrigues, C. Verikoukis, Joint Power-QoS Control Scheme for Energy Harvesting Body Sensor Nodes, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- M. Di Renzo, A. I. Pérez-Neira, C. Verikoukis, Error Rate Analysis and Optimal Power Allocation in Multiple Access Relay Channels with Analog Network Coding, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
- H. Benzerrouk, A. Nebylov, P. Closas, MEMS IMU/ZUPT Based Cubature Kalman Filter applied to Pedestrian Navigation System, in Proceedings of International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, 1-6 June 2014.
- M. Tentzeris, S.Kim, R. Vyas, A. Traille, P. Pons, H. Aubert, A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, Inkjet-printed “Zero Power” Wireless Sensor and Power Management Nodes for IoT and “Smart Skin” Applications, in Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communication (MIKON), 16-18 June 2014, Gdansk (Poland).
- J. Kimionis, A. Georgiadis, S. Kim, A. Collado, K. Niotaki, M.M. Tentzeris, An Enhanced-range RFID Tag Using an Ambient Energy Powered Reflection Amplifier, in Proceedings of International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2014), 1-6 June 2014, Tampa Bay (Florida).
- K. Niotaki, A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, Dual-Band Rectifier Based on Resistance Compression Networks, in Proceedings of International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2014), 1-6 June 2014, Tampa Bay (Florida).
- S. Tennina, E.Kartsakli, A.Lalos, A.Antonopoulos, V.P.Mekikis, M.Di Renzo, F.Graziosi, L.Alonso, C. Verikoukis, A Protocol Architecture for Energy Efficient and Pervasive eHealth Systems, IEEE-EMBS International Conferences on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 1-4 June 2014, Valencia (Spain).
- M. Miozzo, D. Zordan, P. Dini, M. Rossi, SolarStat: Modeling Photovoltaic Sources through Stochastic Markov Processes, in Proceedings of IEEE Energy Conference, 13-16 May 2014, Dubrovnik (Croatia).
- B. Herman, N. Baldo, M. Miozzo, M. Requena, J. Ferragut, Extensions to LTE Mobility Functions for ns-3, in Proceedings of Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2014), 7 May 2014, Atlanta (USA).
- J. Ferragut, J. Mangues, A Distributed Paging Mechanism over the X2 Interface for All-Wireless Networks of Small Cells, In Proceedings of 7th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2014), 20-22 May 2014, Vilamoura (Portugal).
- N. Baldo, R. Martínez, P. Dini, R. Vilalta, M. Miozzo, R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, A Testbed for Fixed Mobile Convergence Experimentation: ADRENALINE-LENA Integration, in Proceedings of European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- M. Caus, A. I. Pérez-Neira, Experimental performance bounds of MIMO-FBMC/OQAM systems, in Proceedings of European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- J. Moysen, L. Giupponi, A Functional Architecture for Self-Coordination in LTE networks, in Proceedings of European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014.
- J. J. García Fernández, A. García Armada, J. Rubio, A. Pascual-Iserte, O. Font-Bach, N. Bartzoudis, Adaptive Block Diagonalization and User Scheduling With Out of Cluster Interference, in Proceedings of the European Wireless Conference (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- J. Rubio, A. Pascual-Iserte, J. J. García Fernández, A. García Armada, O. Font-Bach, N. Bartzoudis, Asymptotic Analysis of Multiuser-MIMO Networks with Battery-Constrained Receivers, in Proceedings of the 20th European Wireless Conference (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- N. Baldo, L. Giupponi, J. Mangues, Big Data Empowered Self Organized Networks, in Proceedings of European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- M. El-Absi, M. Shaat, F. Bader, T. Kaiser, Interference Alignment Based Resource Management in MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems, in Proceedings of 20th European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), Barcelona (Spain).
- J. Matamoros, C. Antón-Haro, D. Gregoratti, L. Berbakov, Distributed Beampattern Control with one bit of Feedback, in Proceedings of European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- J. Gómez-Vilardebó, Heuristic Routing Algorithms for Minimum Energy Cooperative Multi-hop Wireless Networks, in Proceedings of European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- J. Gómez-Vilardebó, D. Gunduz, Competitive Analysis of Energy Harvesting Wireless Communication Systems, in Proceedings of the 20th European Wireless (EW’14),14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- V. Joroughi, M. Á. Vázquez, A. I. Pérez-Neira, Multiple Gateway Precoding with Per Feed Power Constraints for Multibeam Satellite Systems, in Proceedings of European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain)
- F. Vázquez-Gallego, M. Rietti, J. Bas, J. Alonso-Zarate, L. Alonso, Performance Evaluation of Frame Slotted-ALOHA with Successive Interface Cancellation in Machine-to-Machine Networks, in Proceedings of the European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate, A. María Mandalari, O. Briante, A. Molinaro, G. Ruggeri, Performance Evaluation of Reservation Frame Slotted-ALOHA for Data Collection M2M Networks, in Proceedings of the European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May, Barcelona (Spain).
- O. Briante, A. M. Mandalari, A. Molinaro, G. Ruggeri, F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate, Duty-Cycle Optimization for Machine-to-Machine Area Networks Based on Frame Slotted-ALOHA with Energy Harvesting Capabilities, in Proceedings of the European Wireless 2014 (EW’14), 14-16 May 2014, Barcelona (Spain).
- S. Fosson, J. Matamoros, C. Antón-Haro, E. Magli, Distributed Support Detection of Jointly Sparse Signals, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 4-9 May 2014, Firenze (Italy).
- Gusi-Amigó, P. Closas, A. Mallat, L. Vandendorpe, Ziv-Zakai Lower Bound for UWB based TOA Estimation with Unknown Interference, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 4-9 May 2014 , Florence (Italy).
- X. Mestre, D. Gregoratti, A parallel processing approach to filterbank multicarrier MIMO transmission under strong frequency selectivity , in Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 4-9 May 2014, Florence (Italy).
- R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, M. Svaluto Moreolo, R. Martínez, J. M. Fabrega, R. Vilalta, F. J. Vilchez, An experimental overview on software-defined optical transmission and SDN/GMPLS networking activities in the ADRENALINE testbed, in Proceedings of III International Workshop on Trends in Optical Technologies – Towards Terabit per Second Optical Networking (WTON), 28-29 May 2014, Sao Pablo (Brasil).
- M. Svaluto Moreolo, J. M. Fabrega, L. Nadal, F. J. Vilchez, V. López, J. Pedro Fernández-Palacios, Cost-Effective Data Plane Solutions Based on OFDM Technology for Flexi-Grid Metro Networks Using Sliceable Bandwidth Variable Transponders, in Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Optical Networking Design and Modeling (ONDM 2014), 19-22 May 2014, Stockholm (Sweden).
- O. Monserrat, M. Crosetto, G. Luzi, J. Gili, J. Moya, J. Corominas, Long term landslide monitoring with Ground Based SAR, in Proceedings of European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 27-2 May 2014, Austria (Vienna).
- B. Antonielli, M.Bonini, G.Righini, F.Sani, A.Feyzullayev, C.Aliyev, O. Monserrat, G. Luzi, Pre-and syn-eruptive surface movements of Azerbaijan mud volcanoes detected through insar analysis: preliminary results , in Proceedings of European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 27-2 May 2014, Austria (Vienna).
- M. F.Buongiorno, M.Musacchio, I.Guerra, G.Porco, S.Stramondo, e. al., G. Luzi, A multi-disciplinary approach for the structural monitoring of Cultural Heritages in a seismic area, in Proceedings of European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 27-2 May 2014, Austria (Vienna).
- P. Torres Compta, A. Antonopoulos, G. Schulte, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, NCMOB-MAC: A Network Coding-based MAC protocol with Mobility Support, in Proceedings of IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC 2014-Spring), 18-21 May 2014, Seoul (Korea).
- H. S. Kim, G.Y. Yun, S. H. Lee, I. Llamas-Garro, J. M. Kim, Inkjet-Printed Silver CPW with Narrow Gap, in Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS), 13-16 April 2014, Hawaii (USA).
- D. López, P. L. Gilabert, G. Montoro, N. Bartzoudis, Peak cancellation and digital predistortion of high-order QAM wideband signals for next generation wireless backhaul equipment, in Proceedings of international workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMiC 2014), 2-4 April 2014, Leuven (Belgium).
- P. Tuset, F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate, L. Alonso, X. Vilajosana-Guillén, Demonstrating Low-Power Distributed Queuing for Active RFID Communications At 433 MHz, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM’14), 27-2 May 2014, Toronto (Canada).
- J. M. Fabrega, M. Svaluto Moreolo, F. J. Vilchez, B. R. Rofoee, Y. Ou, N. Amaya, G. Zervas, D. Simeonidou, Y. Yoshida, K.-I. Kitayama, Experimental Demonstration of Elastic Optical Networking utilizing Time-Sliceable Bitrate Variable OFDM Transceiver , in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 9-13 March 2014, San Francisco, CA (USA).
- R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, S. Peng, M. Channegowda, T. Vlachogianis, R. Nejabati, D. E. Simeonidou, X. Cao, T. Tsuritani, I. Morita, Dynamic Multi-domain Virtual Optical Networks Deployment with Heterogeneous Control Domains, in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 9-13 March, 2014, San Francisco (EEUU).
- R. Muñoz, R. Vilalta, M. Svaluto Moreolo, J. M. Fabrega, R. Casellas, F. J. Vilchez, R. Martínez, S. Frigerio, A. Lometti, Dynamic Differential Delay Aware RMSA for Elastic Multi-path Provisioning in GMPLS Flexi-grid DWDM Networks, in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 9-13 March, 2014, San Francisco, CA (USA).
- R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, R. Martínez, R. Vilalta, L. Liu, T. Tsuritani, I. Morita, V. López, O. González de Dios, J. P. Fernández-Palacios, SDN based Provisioning Orchestration of OpenFlow/GMPLS Flexi-grid Networks with a Stateful Hierarchical PCE, in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 9-13 March, 2014, San Francisco, CA (USA).
- A. Dochhan, L. Nadal, H. Griesser, M. Eiselt, M. Svaluto Moreolo, J.P. Elbers, Experimental Investigation of Discrete Multitone Transmission in the Presence of Optical Noise and Chromatic Dispersion, in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 9-13 March 2014, San Francisco, CA (USA).
- R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, R. Martínez, R. Vilalta, A broader view of GMPLS/PCE and SDN , in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 9-13 March 2014, San Francisco, CA (USA).
- A. Mayoral, V. López, O. Gertsel, E. Palkopoulou, J.P Fernández-Palacios, O. Gonzalez de Dios, Minimizing resource protection in IP over WDM networks: Multi – layer Shared Backup Router, in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 9-13 March 2014, San Francisco, CA (USA).
- Y.Yoshida, A. Maruta, K. Kitayama, M. Nishihara, T. Tanaka, T. Takahara, J. C. Rasmussen, N. Yoshikane, T. Tsuritani, I. Morita, S. Yan, Y. Shu, M. Channegowda, Y. Yan, B.R. Rofoee, E. Hugues-Salas, G. Saridis, G. Zervas, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou, R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, M. Svaluto Moreolo, J. M. Fabrega, A. Aguado, V. López, J. Marhuenda, O. González de Dios, J. P. Fernández-Palacios, First international SDN-based Network Orchestration of Variable capacity OPS over Programmable Flexi-grid EON, in Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 9-13 March 2014, San Francisco, CA (USA).
- Y. Bejerano, J. Ferragut, K. Guo, V. Gupta, C. Gutterman, T. Nandagopal, G. Zussman, Experimental Evaluation of a Scalable WiFi Multicast Scheme in the ORBIT Testbed, in Proceedings of the GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop (GREE’14), 19-20 March 2014, Atlanta, GA (USA).
- R. Vilalta, STRAUSS Optical Network Virtualization Architecture, in Proceedings of workshop on Future Internet and Cloud Computing collocated with Future Internet Assembly (FIA), 17-20 March 2014, Athens (Greece).
- R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, R. Vilalta, M. Svaluto Moreolo, J. M. Fabrega, F. J. Vilchez, Research activities on flexible optical infrastructure and SDN for network convergence, virtualization and inter-datacentre connectivity, in Proceedings of workshop on Future Internet and Cloud Computing collocated with Future Internet Assembly (FIA), 17-20 March 2014, Athens (Greece).
- B. Bojovic, N. Baldo, A new Channel and QoS Aware Scheduler to enhance the capacity of Voice over LTE systems, In Proceedings of 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD’14), 11-14 February 2014, Castelldefels (Spain).
- J. Serra, D. Pubill, M. Á. Vázquez, C. Verikoukis, Experimental Evaluation of an HVAC System under Dynamic Pricing with Comfort Constraints, In proceedings of the fifth IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), Washington DC (USA), February 2014.
- P. Molina, E. Angelats, I. Colomina, A. Latorre, J. Montaño, M. Wis, The PERIGEO project: inertial and imaging sensors processing, integration and validation on UAV platforms for space navigation, in Proceedings of International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (EuroCOW 2014), 12-14 February 2014, Castelldefels (Spain).
- E. Angelats, I. Colomina, One step mobile mapping laser and camera data orientation and calibration, in Proceedings of International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (EuroCOW 2014), 12-14 February 2014, Castelldefels (Spain).
- I. Colomina, M. Blázquez, Pose versus state: are sensor position and attitude sufficient for modern photogrammetryand remote sensing, in Proceedings of International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (EuroCOW 2014), 12-14 February 2014, Castelldefels (Spain).
- M. Crosetto, O. Monserrat, G. Luzi, M. Cuevas, N. Devanthéry, Radar-based remote sensing monitoring of roads , in Proceedings of 17th International Road Weather Conference, 30-1 February 2014, Andorra.
- K. Niotaki, S. Kim, F. Giuppi, A. Collado, A. Georgiadis, M.M. Tentzeris, Optimized Design of Multi-band and Solar Rectennas, in Proceedings of Radio Wireless Week (RWW 2014), 19-23 January 2014, Newport Beach, CA (USA).