CTTC offers a training environment defined as experimental in R&D activities in telecommunications and highly reputed both in science and technology. This environment aims at reducing the existing gap between graduate training and industry, in order to pave the way to a productive setting where R&D is the main activity. This is approached both at graduate and undergraduate levels. Moreover, visitors are welcome for short to mid term pre- and post-doc stays.
Currently CTTC enrols 3 post-doc researchers, mainly funded on a project basis. During 2014 3 new post-doc research joined the program.
Currently CTTC’s pre-doctoral program consists of 11 PhD students. During 2014, 5 PhD students joined the program.
CTTC also offers a challenging training environment for undergraduate students, who can carry on their Master and Bachelor Thesis by participating in R&D activities, under the supervision of researchers and engineers.
- G. Pojani, FPGA implementation of a digital pre-distorter for wideband microwave backhaul systems , Supervisors: N. Bartzoudis (CTTC), P. Gilabert (UPC), D. López (CTTC). Advisor: R. Verdone (UNIBO), October 2014.
- J. Bravo, Development of embedded transmitter for visible light communication system for indoor environment , Supervisor:C. Gavrincea, (CTTC), Advisor: L. Alonso (UPC), October 2014.
- A. C. Hernández, Evaluación del rendimiento de protocolos Frame Slotted-ALOHA basados en técnicas de cancelación de interferencias para redes M2M , Supervisors: F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zárate (CTTC), Advisor: L. Alonso (UPC), September 2014.
- R. Rodríguez García, R. Vilalta, Desplegament de la xarxa de transport d’un operador de telecomunicacions , Advisor: R. Vilalta (CTTC), September 2014.
- G. Genovese, Design and Implementation of a Gateway for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks , Supervisors: F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate, September 2014.
- G. Interdonato, Design and Performance Analysis of an Intra-Frame/Intra-Slot Successive Interference Cancellation Frame Slotted-ALOHA protocol for wireless Networks , Supervisor: F. Vázquez-Gallego (CTTC), September 2014.
- M. Monfort, Mesura de deformacions mitjançant GBSAR (Ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar) , Supervisors: O. Monserrat (CTTC), Advisor: M. Amparo Nuñez (UPC), July 2014.
- M. Sales, Impact of the characterization and pre-treatments of the inertial signal in the INS-GNSS solution , Supervisor: M. Eulàlia Parés (CTTC), Advisor: Prof. Òscar Cases (UPC), July 2014.
- V. Karagiannis, Design of a remote control platform for M2M applications , Supervisor: F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate (CTTC), June 2014.
- A. Enrich, Characterization of BCH codes and its use in M2M healthcare applications , Supervisor : J.Bas (CTTC), Advisor: Prof. Luis Alonso (UPC), June 2014.
- P. Vicente, Light coding and protocols for networks-on-chip systems of low energy consumption , Supervisor: J. Bas (CTTC ), Advisor: Prof. Luis Alonso (UPC), June 2014.
- S. Wu, Analysis of Dynamic Frame Slotted-ALOHA in Machine-to-Machine Networks with Energy Harvesting , Supervisor: F. Vázquez-Gallego, June 2014.
- K. Avramidis, From a Wired Grid to a Wireless Smart Grid , Supervisor: F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate (CTTC), June 2014.
- J. Arnet Vilaseca, R. Vilalta, Open Network: Proposta d’activitat PBL enfocada al desplegament d’una xarxa de fibra òptica , Supervisor: R. Vilalta (CTTC), February 2014.
- M. Majoral, Implementation of the LTE Listen Mode for a Femtocell , Supervisors: J. Gómez Vilardebò (CTTC), Advisor: Ana I Pérez-Neira (UPC), January 2014.
- O. Bardina, Desenvolupament d’un sistema de transmissió sense fils basat en DQ , Supervisors: F. Vazquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate(CTTC), Advisor: L. Alonso (UPC), June 2014.
- E. Sánchez, S. Luz, Experimental evaluation of distributed neighbour discovery algorithms based on S-ALOHA and Splitting-Tree Algorithms (DQ) for wireless networks , Supervisor: F. Vázquez-Gallego, J. Alonso-Zarate (CTTC). Advisor: L. Alonso, February 2014.
- M. Rietti, Performance Evaluation of Frame Slotted Aloha with Diversity and Interference Cancellation , Supervisors: F. Javier Vázquez (CTTC,) J. Bas (CTTC), Advisor: L. Alonso (UPC), February 2014.