Research activities, both fundamental and experimental, at the SMARTECH Department focus on technologies related to WSNs, WLANs and dense cellular networks. In particular, SMARTECH aims to provide advanced PHY layer solutions, cooperative network coding-assisted protocols, cognitive aware radio resource management schemes, network management protocols and power demand algorithms in order to improve the energy efficiency of the wireless technologies. Experimental activities include the development of a flexible platform with sensors and actuators for smart environments and a flexible tool for implementing MAC protocols. Key applications focus on Smart Grid, Smart Cities, Video Surveillance and m-Health.
Scientific Publications & PatentsJournals
E. Ramirez, A. Antonopoulos, E. Kartsakli, C. Verikoukis, HEH-BMAC: Hybrid Polling MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks Operated by Human Energy Harvesting, Telecommunications Systems, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 111-124, December 2014.
A. S. Lalos, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Model Based Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Algorithms for ECG Telemonitoring in WBANs, Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 35, pp. 105-116, December 2014.
A. Antonopoulos, J. Bastos, C. Verikoukis, Analogue Network Coding-aided Game Theoretic Medium Access Control Protocol for Energy-Efficient Data Dissemination, IET Science, Measurement &Technology, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 399-407, November 2014.
E. Kartsakli, A. Lalos, A. Antonopoulos, S. Tennina, M. Di Renzo, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, A Survey on M2M Systems for mHealth: A Wireless Communications Perspective, Sensors 2014, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 18009-18052, September 2014.
J. Serra, M. Nájar, Asymptotically Optimal Linear Shrinkage of Sample LMMSE and MVDR Filters, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 62, No. 14, pp. 3552-3564, July 2014.
A. Mesodiakaki, F. Adelantado, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Energy-efficient User Association in Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 22-29, July 2014.
A. Antonopoulos, E. Kartsakli, C. Verikoukis, Game Theoretic D2D Content Dissemination in 4G Cellular Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 125-132, June 2014.
J. Serra, D. Pubill, A. Antonopoulos, C. Verikoukis, Smart HVAC Control in IoT: Energy Consumption Minimization with User Comfort Constraints, The Scientific World Journal, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 2014, Article ID 161874,pp. 1-11, June 2014.
P.-V. Mekikis, A. Lalos, A. Antonopoulos, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Wireless Energy Harvesting in Two-Way Network Coded Cooperative Communications: A Stochastic Approach for Large Scale Networks, IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 1011-1014, June 2014.
J. S. Vardakas, N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis, Scheduling Policies for Two-State Smart-Home Appliances in Dynamic Electricity Pricing Environments, Energy, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 455-469, May 2014.
E. Kartsakli, A. Antonopoulos, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, A Cloud-assisted Random Linear Network Coding Medium Access Control Protocol for Healthcare Applications, Sensors 2014, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 4806-4830, March 2014.
A. Antonopoulos, C. Verikoukis, Multi-player Game Theoretic MAC Strategies for Energy Efficient Data Dissemination, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 592-603, February 2014.
G. Kalfas, P. Maniotis, S. Markou, D.Tsiokos, N. Pleros, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, A Client-Weighted Medium-Transparent MAC protocol for User-Centric Fairness in 60 GHz Radio-over-Fiber WLANs, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 33-44, January 2014.
J. S. Vardakas, I. D. Moscholios, N. Zorba, M. D. Logothetis, C. Verikoukis, Delay Analysis of Converged Optical-Wireless Networks with QoS Support, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 339-348, January 2014.
A. Bousia, E. Kartsakli, A. Antonopoulos, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Sharing the Small Cells for Energy Efficient Networking: How much does it cost?, in Proceedings of Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, Texas (USA).
A. Mesodiakaki, F. Adelantado, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Joint Uplink and Downlink Cell Selection in Cognitive Small Cell Heterogeneous Networks , in Proceedings of Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, Texas (USA).
A. Lalos, E. Kartsakli, A. Antonopoulos, S. Tennina, M. Di Renzo, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Cooperative Compressed Sensing schemes for Telemonitoring of Vital Signals in WBANs, in Proceedings of Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, Texas (USA).
V. Miliotis, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Offloading With IFOM: The Uplink Case, in Proceedings of Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, TX (USA).
V. Miliotis, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Energy Efficient Proportionally Fair Uplink Offloading for IP Flow Mobility, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2014), 1-3 December 2014, Athens (Greece).
A. Mesodiakaki, F. Adelantado, A. Antonopoulos, E. Kartsakli, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Energy Impact of Outdoor Small Cell Backhaul in Green Heterogeneous Networks, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2014), 1-3 December 2014, Athens (Greece).
S. Tennina, E. Kartsakli, F. Grasiozi, M. Santos, A. Lalos, A. Antonopoulos, P.V. Mekikis, M. Di Renzo, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, An Energy Efficient Protocol Architecture for m-Health Systems, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2014), 1-3 December 2014, Athens (Greece).
M. Di Renzo, A. I. Pérez-Neira, C. Verikoukis, Is Analog Network Coding More Energy Efficient than TDMA?, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD), 1-3 December 2014, Athens (Greece).
M. Maier, C. Verikoukis, Inside Smart FiWi-HetNets and the Explosion of Mobile Data Traffic, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2014), 6-10 July 2014.
M. Maier, C. Verikoukis, When Small Cell Networks Meet FiWi or Like Deserts Miss the Rain, In Proceedings of the IEEE European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC 2014), 4-6 June 2014, Milan (Italy).
G. Tseliou, F. Adelantado, C. Verikoukis, Resources Negotiation for Network Virtualization in LTE-A Networks, in Proceedings of the International Conference of Communication (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
K. M. Saidul Huq, S. Mumtaz, J. Rodriguez, C. Verikoukis, Investigation on Energy Efficiency in HetNet CoMP Architecture, in Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
D. Xenakis, N. Passas, L. Merakos, C. Verikoukis, RCHON: An ANDSF-Assisted Energy-Efficient Vertical Handover Decision Algorithm for the Heterogeneous IEEE 802.11/LTE-Advanced Network , in Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
A. Mesodiakaki, F. Adelantado, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Energy-efficient Context-aware User Association for Outdoor Small Cell Heterogeneous Networks, in Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
P.-V. Mekikis, E. Kartsakli, A. Antonopoulos, A. Lalos, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, Two-tier Cellular Random Network Planning for Minimum Deployment Cost, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
E. Ibarra, A. Antonopoulos, E. Kartsakli, J. Rodrigues, C. Verikoukis, Joint Power-QoS Control Scheme for Energy Harvesting Body Sensor Nodes, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
M. Di Renzo, A. I. Pérez-Neira, C. Verikoukis, Error Rate Analysis and Optimal Power Allocation in Multiple Access Relay Channels with Analog Network Coding, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
S. Tennina, E.Kartsakli, A.Lalos, A.Antonopoulos, V.P.Mekikis, M.Di Renzo, F.Graziosi, L.Alonso, C. Verikoukis, A Protocol Architecture for Energy Efficient and Pervasive eHealth Systems, IEEE-EMBS International Conferences on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 1-4 June 2014, Valencia (Spain).
P. Torres Compta, A. Antonopoulos, G. Schulte, L. Alonso, C. Verikoukis, NCMOB-MAC: A Network Coding-based MAC protocol with Mobility Support, in Proceedings of IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC 2014-Spring), 18-21 May 2014, Seoul (Korea).
J. Serra, D. Pubill, M. Á. Vázquez, C. Verikoukis, Experimental Evaluation of an HVAC System under Dynamic Pricing with Comfort Constraints, In proceedings of the fifth IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), Washington DC (USA), February 2014.
C. Verikoukis, E. Kartsakli, N. Zorba, L. Alonso, Method and apparatus for medium access control in a wireless broadband system with MIMO or MISO technology with multiuser capabilities , International Application Nº: PCT/EP2009/057276. Granted patent: US 8.792.577
N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis, A. I. Pérez-Neira, Method of Efficent Channel Allocation in Wireless Systems , Granted patent: USA 8.441.932, EP2272297, ES2336748.