CTTC is also an important center of training of the Catalan research community in Telecom Engineering. In particular, CTTC welcomes every year Master and PhD students willing to perform a challenging research thesis under the supervision of one of our researchers. During the last 11 years of activity, CTTC has offered a challenging environment to students who have produced more than 40 PhD thesis. During 2014 8 students have defended their PhD thesis, while 11 PhD students are currently working at CTTC. CTTC also welcomes visiting students and researchers from international universities who are willing to spend a period working abroad.
During 2014, CTTC has hosted 46 visiting (PhD students & researchers). The same way, CTTC PhD students are also entitled to carry out a training period abroad, in an institution agreed with their supervisor. During 2014 2 PhD students have spent a training period abroad.
As for Master thesis, CTTC welcomes students from national and international universities with whom an agreement has been signed. During 2014 CTTC has hosted 21 undergraduate students. 16 Master thesis has been defended.