CTTC started its activity in November 2001 and was created in legal terms as a Foundation, with the following organs:
The Board of Trustees is the management organ and is currently constituted by members of the four promoting institutions:
- Department of Economy and Knowledge (DECO) of Autonomous Government of Catalonia. General Direction of Research.
- Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)
- Ramon Llull University (URL).
- Department of Territory and Sustainability of Autonomous Government of Catalonia (DTS).
In addition it may include: up to 7 members from DECO; up to 2 members from UPC and up to 2 members from URL and 2 members from DTS. The Executive commission represents the Board of Trustees.
The Director is selected after an open selection process and is the chair of the executive board.
The General Administrator is responsible for the internal operation of the Center.
Established in 2003, the Scientific Advisory Board is responsible for the orientation and scientific evaluation of CTTC and ensures external advice concerning the adequateness of CTTC’s research strategy and of the scientific quality of the R&D work performed. The Scientific Advisory Board is composed of internationally distinguished scientists, and advises CTTC’s Director and Board of Trustees.