CTTC has been recognized by AENOR with the certification UNE 166002:2006 for R&D Management Systems that controls the procedures that must be followed to ensure the efficiency management of the R+D activities. This certification has been internally implemented as a group of 12 procedures that are periodically revised and yearly audited.
The objective of the norm UNE166002:2006 is to document, implement and maintain an efficient R&D Management System. This norm controls the different procedures that must be followed to perform the different tasks and activities in a R&D institution in an organized and documented manner. More specifically, it controls the preparation of proposals for public/private funding, the R&D project management, the R&D experimental spaces management, the purchase processes, human resources, technology transfer, exploitation of R&D results, identification and analysis of opportunities, and the global supervision of the institution project portfolio.
As part of the implementation of the UNE 166002:2006 for R&D Management Systems, the Direction Board of CTTC is committed to foster high quality research, development and innovation by improving and periodically revising the efficiency of the R&D Management System.